
Additional Instrument and Parts

Some optional instrument and parts you might need to help you optimize your production and control your product quality

Empty Spray Paint Can & Accessories

If you can’t get pre-charged cans locally, you would need to take the empty spray paint cans and related accessories. We can provide small quantity of cans if you require.

Aerosol Can Pressure Guage

With this useful tool, you can easily know the pressure inside the can. It is available to have adapters for both male valve and female valve.

Aerosol Crimp Diameter & Height Gauges

This set of aerosol crimp diameter gauge and aerosol crimp height gauge are very useful to help you measure the real-time crimping parameters. They are a must-have tool for every aerosol workshop/factory to get rid of aerosol leakage.

Benefits with Cuscolor

Consistent Quality

Manufacturing in-house gives us complete control of the production process & ensures the consistent quality of our products.

Competitive Pricing

Automatic production, savvy sourcing & robust manufacturing techniques help lower the cost from beginning to the end.

Flexible Solution

In-house production, testing & tool-making allow us to be flexible with the unique requirements of our clients.

Shorter Lead Time

We're able to work to tight timescale thanks to our full control over the production process, which results in shorter lead time.

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